What is “NEAT” & How Does It Make Me Svelte?

Use this simple strategy to burn more fat with less sweat.
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N.E.A.T. stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. This emcompasses all physical exertion outside of sports-like exercise, eating, or sleeping…

…and for most humans, it makes all the difference in your ability to get and stay lean, have a healthy appetite, and maintain vitality till you’re 120.

To me, “working out” is a means to getting better at doing the rest. Of course…if you’re an athlete or you love sports, then your workouts are “training” so that you can perform well at your sport.

Nevertheless, for those of us who are able-bodied yet spend 50%+ waking hours sitting or being still…sports-like exercise is a great accelerator not only to use up stored energy (aka fat) but to help you…well…move more…

…more safely…

…and more efficiently…overall.

In the words of Jesus, “To the one who has, even more will be given.” In this case, the more you move, the more you’ll be able to move.

Since my mission is to make these things easier and more accessible to you, I am so glad to report the following excerpt from a study (linked at the end), which is just one among a multitude supporting the effectiveness of simply moving more to feel better, look better, live healthier longer.

Obesity is linked to cardiovascular disease. The global increase in sedentary lifestyle is an important factor contributing to the rising prevalence of the obesity epidemic.

Traditionally, counseling has focused on moderate- to vigorous-intensity exercise, with disappointing results.

Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is an important component of daily energy expenditure. It represents the common daily activities, such as fidgeting, walking, and standing.

These high-effect NEAT movements could result in up to an extra 2000 kcal of expenditure per day beyond the basal metabolic rate, depending on body weight and level of activity.

Implementing NEAT during leisure-time and occupational activities could be essential to maintaining a negative energy balance. NEAT can be applied by being upright, ambulating, and redesigning workplace and leisure-time environments to promote NEAT. The benefits of NEAT include not only the extra calories expended but also the reduced occurrence of the metabolic syndrome [diabetes II], cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality. We believe that to overcome the obesity epidemic and its adverse cardiovascular consequences, NEAT should be part of the current medical recommendations. (See study Nonexercise Activity Thermogenesis in Obesity Management )

Want personal fitness and nutrition coaching? HIRE ME.

Let’s get started! Check out 6 Ways to Turn Up the HEAT by Doing More NEAT.


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[…] fidgety or “hyper” person has a “fast metabolism” and this is probably true. (Ever heard of N.E.A.T. for faster fat loss?) A strong, healthy digestive system keeps things moving, especially […]