If you have been working with me towards better health, fat loss, a fitter body, or all of the above…
…you are no doubt experiencing success!
You now “know” something experientially that you may not have known before. You are making strides not only to present but future permanent shifts that will sustain results for the rest of your life.
Want to know one of the BEST ways to secure that promise?
It might not be what you expect…
…but this could be a key factor missing in most people’s equation for sustainable life change.
I have both observed and lived this concept in so many ways that, without realizing it, I’ve incorporated it as sort of a learning-and-sustaining lifestyle.
If you’ve been improving in a life skill or learning a new topic…and if mastering and maintaining that success has any value to you…

Even if your goal is not to be a ninja warrior master in the skill, to help someone else enjoy the same success…you must process what you’ve experienced well enough to explain it to a newbie.
This blesses both you and the newbie.
They will gain invitation to the joy you’re experiencing…and your mind, will, and emotions will come into greater persuasion concerning what you believe to be true.
This works for all kinds of evangelism…whether you are helping someone delight in Christ or leading them to fresher, cleaner waters (in this case…healthier practices for a healthier body).

This is why as a professional Writing Coach, Developmental Editor, and Ghostwriter I often tell (or warn lol) my authors that as they begin to write a book on their topic—be prepared to LEARN that topic.
Some may look at me cross-eyed at first but it really isn’t until you attempt to distill what you know into a teachable expression that you find the “gaps” in thinking or the places that need a little more fleshing out. As you hear yourself speaking what you have learned, you deepen your own commitment to it!
Don’t take my word for it, though. I’ve compiled a few articles below discussing what some scientists now refer to as the “protege effect.” See below and click around. If you did an internet search for the “protege effect” you’d find tons more!
Most importantly, whatever you have learned, re-learned, or discovered on your journey…
…don’t keep it to yourself.
Buddy up with someone!
Find someone who needs their hope restored, or who would somehow benefit from you sharing your experience…and invite them in. You don’t have to set yourself up as their guru—that’s a bad idea!
Just be willing to share, explain, and find out more when they ask a hard question. As Proverbs 27:17 says:
Iron sharpens iron; so a friend sharpens a friend.