First, the elephant.
Some of you will say I am just trying to sell you something, and to that I reply…
…you are absolutely…positively…100% correct.
I have been talking to some of you for years about this and I will tell you again:
If you wait until you need these, you will be too late. They are treasures you want at-hand for the moment you even so much as suspect that you need them.
That is the essence of preventive care and the definition of preparation.
After-the-fact they will still be stellar useful, but while you await their snail mail arrival you might feel a bit like the 5 foolish maidens who failed to bring their own extra oil (see Matthew 25:1-13). I’m not trying to be mean. I just want you to take this seriously.
Now…about that plan.
This is my no-holds-barred, all-out, I’m-coming-to-get-you-nasty-bug with guns blazing…
…which I use whether I think the threat is mild or serious…
…because mild or serious makes no difference to me. It’s an invasion and I want it out. These are all completely non-toxic…
…safe to use…
…and will offer you multiple benefits (instead of multiple “side-effects”) so that taking a little extra will only do you extra good.
I’ve listed everything according to order of importance in my personal opinion and professional experience as a wife, a mama, a daughter of parents over 60, a Certified Essential Oil Coach by The National Association of Drugless Practitioners, and a lifelong health and wellness fanatic.
#1- The Blend
I call this “the” blend because, in my life, it has been the immune booster blend to end all blends! When those common bugs start spreading and people are calling in sick like crazy I might use a little of this just for safe keeping, but if I’m feeling symptoms I immediately make this blend (I like the strongest dose) and take it 3-4x/day until I feel totally back to normal.
Add 3-5 drops each of the following essential oils to an empty gel capsule:
• Frankincense
• Lemon
• Oregano
• On Guard
• Tea Tree
You can add a little coconut oil to help with digestion and absorption if you like. Try it with and without to see which works best for you. I do without. To shop/purchase the purest, safest oils I personally use for this blend — at a significant discount — use the links provided at the end of this post.
#2 ACV
Apple Cider Vinegar is good for so many reasons. For one, it has been shown in studies to reduce and help regulate blood sugar. That actually does impact your immune system in the long run, but for more immediate needs…
It helps to soothe a sore throat. Try it in some hot water with lemon, raw honey, and if you can take the heat…a dash of cayenne.
ACV also helps to thin mucous which helps the body move it along to do its job — not just to capture the bugs to transport them OUT.
Research has shown that is has antimicrobial properties which helps to kill bacteria, yeasts, and fungal infections. I wouldn’t rely solely on the vin as studies seem to show variable results, but this is another that’s safe and immediately helpful while also supporting both short and long term health.
IMPORTANT: If you buy it “with the mother” —which you should— then it also provides probiotics…which leads nicely to my next STRONG suggestion.
#3 Probiotics
This could just as easily have been first or second. “The Blend” is powerful natural medicine that supports your immune system’s work to kill off bad guys and transport ‘em out (aka detox) quickly.
Probiotics, however, populate your gut…which is considered at least 70% of your immune system.
Now consider this: pharmaceutical antibiotics kill infectious bacteria, but they also kill your healthy gut bacteria.
As a result, these manmade drugs dramatically weaken your immune system… like…DRAMATICALLY! It can take years to naturally replenish the gut bacteria destroyed from just one round of antibiotics.
In short, drug antibiotics will make you more and more drug-dependent as your immune system literally tanks.

These also get outsmarted by the “bugs” who are able to evolve and turn into actual “super-bugs.”
“Super-bug” might sound like something out of a kids Marvel Comic but it is literally the term for a man-made problem created by prescribing drug antibiotics as a first line of defense.
Essential oils, however, do NOT destroy your good bac while they do kill the bad bac along with other threats including fungi and viruses.
Probiotics will enter and repopulate your gut with strong, pathogen-fighting gut “flora” (the good bac) to effectively beef up your natural immunity and beat out the bad guys.
#4 Sleep
Sleep is one of your most powerful sources of natural medicine…if not also one of the sweetest. Sometimes I think catching a cold or a flu is my body’s last ditch effort to actually get me to sleep. That’s probably not 100% accurate…but the only time my immune system has dipped in the past several years has been when I wasn’t sleeping enough.
Did you know that during sleep your immune system releases specialized cells to fight infection and inflammation?
It’s true!
It’s also true that when you don’t get adequate sleep, you will likely diminish your dose of these cells (called “cytokines”) as they are both made and released during sleep.
If you’re having trouble sleeping because you’re worried and staying up all night, try taking some Frankincense Essential Oil topically and internally (must be a brand you TRUST). Frankincense really helps to ease anxious feelings and stop a racing mind. There are also lots of specialized blends for mood and emotions such as this emotional aromatherapy kit.
If it’s not worries keeping you up but you’re just having trouble falling or staying asleep, try the Serenity Combo Pack. You topically apply and/or diffuse the Serenity essential oil blend + take 2 of the Serenity Restful Complex Gelcaps. It’s a really nice formula that has helped me to fall and stay asleep but has never left me groggy in the morning.
The Oils I Use…at a Discount?
To get the world’s most tested and trusted essential oils (now used by medical doctors in integrative clinics)…you can pay $35 to join and enjoy 25% off with your first purchase by using this link.
OR you can get that wholesale membership FREE (so no $35 fee). Skip the next paragraph for that deal.
If you prefer a la carte, just add the individual oils to cart and join for $35 when prompted. By using my link you not only get to save 25% off every future purchase, but you will automatically and for FREE have direct and personal access to me as your Wellness Advocate. I make it my business to make sure you maximize the value of your essential oils and wellness products.
MOST RECOMMENDED >> Immediately own TEN of the top most useful and beneficial essential oils by starting with an Intro Kit. You’ll get over 25% off for all ten plus a free wholesale membership and a diffuser, which can easily triple your use and benefits from using your oils. (Don’t worry — if you need it, I will help you make best use of your oils every single step of the way)
Healthy Start Kit (5mL bottles + diffuser + free wholesale account)
Healthy Essentials Kit (15mL bottles + free diffuser + free wholesale account)
Feeling Overwhelmed?
I gave you quite a few recommendations, I know, and if you’re like me you want everything NOW.
If you can swing that all in one fell swoop, please do. The up-front investment will pay you back for years to come. It seems like a lot until you weigh the cost against the cost of getting sick, getting on meds, which make you get sicker bigger and badder so that you become more and more needy of meds, which have negative side-effects and cause your health to diminish with each passing year.
No joke!
Most people, in my opinion, would do best to begin with an initial enrollment kit that best meets your most immediate needs…and then each month add to that collection your next essential oils, probiotics or other supplements, and skin and bodycare. This way, you quickly makeover your medicine cabinet, and then gradually replace toxic or low grade products with pure, effective, 100% beneficial plant-based ones.
It’s your life! Your body! They’re both in your hands. Do right by your body and your body will reward you with good health for many years to come. (It helps that essential oils are not only powerful…but delicious and WONDERFUL!)