Need More Money?

If you've struggled with cash your whole life, this is for you.
Bright TITLE graphic with a money bag labeled with a US dollar sign and the words "Ned More"? Lesson 1...Grasshoppers by esse 111.
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You are not a grasshopper!

Miracle after miracle, and yet when the people saw “giants” in the land, they acted like cowards. This happened during the biblical and historical journey of Moses leading the people out from slavery, described in the book of Exodus, and it’s happening to humans all around the globe today. 

But what if one small change coupled with a simple action could change that entirely and forever…not just for the world “out there”…but for YOU?

You Are Whatever You Say You Are

This is only partly true. You are what you are regardless of what you think.

What you create and experience in life will be the result of what you believe and what protrudes out of your mouth.

You didn’t create you…


whether you live the life of your design is…well…up to you.

Although God had saved them from plagues, delivered them from slavery, and literally lifted the Red Sea until the freed slaves safely crossed, and the waters crashed in on their enemies…so that “the Egyptians” they saw that day they would never see again… 

…despite all God’s blessing and power displayed on their behalf…

…in the face of a new challenge, their self-identity reverted back to alone, unsafe, incapable, small have-nots.

“Next to them we felt like grasshoppers.” —Numbers 13:33 

Say it:

Let’s see if you agree.

  • I got more month than money…
  • It must be nice to have (money, a second car, a big house, etc)…
  • I would but …
  • I wish I could…
  • I know I should, but…
  • Sigh…someday I’ll…

Be honest…

Do you tend to see yourself as a “have-not”?

Do you have more things to be upset (complain) about…than you rejoice and give thanks?

You do if you regularly rehearse the un-truths above, or any variations therein.

If this is you, you’re not alone! This is not a beat down but a wake up call with a solution you can do today to turn it all around.

Far worse than doing something wrong for ten years is doing it wrong for eleven. Let’s start a new trend today.

Do This First

Again…be honest.

If you make no plans for an abundant future…

or if you use your words to convince people that you’re down-and-out…

or if you wish “someone” would just “understand”…

or if you feel like nobody cares and you’re all alone…

…you’re feeding the spirit of poverty.

Stop it. Stop it now.

No one ever harvested a ‘crop’ without first putting down a seed.

No one ever planted and labored over a seed without expecting a return.

No one’s going to till the ground unless they believe they have a seed to plant in it.

Do this first: choose to believe you’ve got seed.

Whatever “it” is…“it” Counts

Fear paralyzes you from seeding your dream.

You might say there are many other reasons, reasons which prove that truly you are a grasshopper…


Wrong belief about who you are becomes self-fulfilling prophecy…because what you believe directly affects your behavior, your actions, your interactions, the seeds you plant, the risks you take, the choices you make.

This is true for losing weight, building muscle, and building a prosperous life.

“For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” —Jesus

Think about what Jesus just said…the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.

If you truly have not, how can what you don’t have be taken away?

The answer is…it can’t.

They had ‘something’, they just counted it as ‘nothing’. They did not perceive the value of what was in their hand…so they lost it.

This is not God pronouncing an edict for people’s good or bad behavior. He’s not Santa Claus, for goodness’ sake!

This is the way the world works…

and He’s giving us a really awesome life hack by telling us so.

Whatever you’ve got is something…and it counts.


What is in your hand? 

This could be money, ideas, creativity, relationships, or connections.

No matter who you are, where you live, or what your circumstances, you have right here and now the all-powerful, most astounding gift and key to happiness: you can pray to and hear from the Creator of all creation.

God owns the universe and all of the ‘universes’ with all their hidden wealth through all the ages, and if He wants to give you diamonds, He can pop one right there at your feet right now.

Some of those diamonds come as friends, family, relationships, opportunities, ideas, talents, or other resources which are the seed to produce your God-promised inheritance. 

Examine your life and see what riches are stored up waiting for you to unlock them…if only you would perceive their value and put them to work. 

Once you embark on the path of your dreams, He will wield all the universes to draw to you the resources necessary to fulfill them.

You must see the value of what you have today.

Ask God to show you (now).


No, I’m not talking about giving money.

I’m talking about giving thanks.

Ingratitude blinds you to the value and growth potential of whatever is presently in your hand. 

Ingratitude is also downright grumpy and attracts other self-proclaiming have-nots so you can affirm eachothers’ broke-ness and be broke together.

Turn that wheel around, choose to VALUE whatever is in your wheelhouse now, and your heart will BIRTH one of heaven’s richest treasures, which is also a harvest MAGNIFIER…gratitude.

Give thanks…give praise.

See what God has given you and don’t let it waste away because you judged the apple seed worthless.

The apple seed can produce a tree that produces more apples with their own seeds to make hundreds and, over time, thousands upon thousands of apples…each apple offering you enough seed to produce countless, endless supply into perpetuity. 

  • See yourself as favored by God, because you are.
  • Ask Him for wisdom, and He will give it.
  • Ask God to put rich and ecstatic thankfulness into your heart, and He will do it.
  • Ask God to bless your ears that you hear His voice clearly, and to subdue every other voice — He will make it happen.

Ask…be patient…believe.

How to Plant a Seed

What does it mean to plant a seed, you ask? 

Well, what is your dream?

With whatever you have at hand today, take one action towards that dream. That’s how you plant.

After you’ve taken that action, consider the next…and the next. I promise you, the vision will mature and strategy will mature with it.

Just get started. 

As you continue advancing, you’ll be watering, nurturing, growing, and planting more. 

If you struggle to align your emotions with truth… 

…that is, if you still ‘feel’ like a grasshopper regardless of how much you want to believe with me that you are a giant…

…agree and pray with me as I ask God now to send His Holy Spirit to flood your heart with His light so you can see what He sees in you, in the name of Yeshua, Jesus.

Now look at your proverbial hand.

What is your dream? What seed do you have today? What action will you take — before the sun goes down — to plant it?

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