ONE STEP to Look Leaner, Get Stronger, Feel Better

with This Single Insanely Undervalued Micro-Nutrient
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Do you regularly experience or find yourself at risk for any of these?

  • Bloating
  • Puffy face
  • High blood pressure
  • Difficulty building muscle (synthesizing protein)
  • Kidney stones
  • Stroke
  • Bone loss
  • Muscle cramps
  • Weak muscles

 How about…

  • Dry mouth
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Lethargy
  • Confusion

It could be something so simple that most would easily overlook its significance…but if you heed what I’m about to tell you…it could improve your chances against all of these, if not actually turn the whole thing around.

(SPOILER ALERT: I’m going to reveal an insanely easy, totally overlooked **HEALTH-HACK** for you to help reverse these and more.)

Bloated (and looking 15 pounds heavier)?

Do you get bloated a lot? Puffy face? Feel like you’re always holding on to an extra 10-20 pounds no matter how much you diet and exercise?

Have you tried all the usual digestive aids, anti-gas, even digestive enzymes but still you feel bloated and sick after eating, seemingly no matter what you eat?

Have you ever had a restaurant meal and then gone for a walk with your sweetheart or bffs only to find your fingers swollen as sausages by the end of your walk?

Restaurant food is notoriously…exceedingly high in salt…and where the sodium goes, water stays.

Carbohydrates, wheat, and gluten often take the blame for the bloat people feel after eating processed foods like bread or other baked products but the reason you don’t feel so good after chowing on these may have nothing to do with carbs or grains and everything to do with the baking soda and salt used to make them. 

A Salty Heart Maketh Unwell

Last year, Harvard Med School published the article, Potassium and Sodium Out of Balance, where they walked us down a trail of events occurring from this problem:

Water follows sodium, leading to an increase in the amount of water in the body and the volume of blood in circulation.

So…bloating. Then:

Blood pressure climbs, and the heart must work harder.

So…raised blood pressure which, in addition to the obvious detriments, also makes working out hard or impossible, hindering the regular exercise so needed for cardiovascular health. Then:

Excess sodium blunts the ability of blood vessels to relax and contract with ease, and may also overstimulate the growth of heart tissue.

So…the beginnings of heart disease.

Hips, Thighs, & Cheeks

I would also add that in addition to these more serious concerns of blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, migraines, and the like, proper fluid balance also helps to…

…battle the bloat that makes thighs, hips and bellies “swell”, making jeans and leggings tighter…

…and can even change the appearance of the face by making cheeks, under eyes, throat and jawline puffy due to fluid retention.

The Easiest Solution You’ve Never Heard Of

While lowering your intake of sodium can help…there’s more to this than just a few (thousand) grains of salt.

“The ratio of sodium to potassium in the diet may be more important than the amount of either one alone.

“Our Paleolithic hunter-gatherer ancestors took in about 11,000 milligrams (mg) of potassium a day from fruits, vegetables, leaves, flowers, roots, and other plant sources, and well under 700 mg of sodium.

“That’s a sodium-to-potassium ratio of 1 to 16. Today, we get more sodium (3,400 mg) than potassium (2,500 mg), for a ratio of 1.36 to 1.”

— (Harvard Health Publishing, Sodium/Potassium Ratio Important for Health).

Despite the CDC’s guidelines that Americans should “consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day,” Harvard Med along with other expert sources say the body doesn’t need more than 200mg/day.

I get that in my two impossibly small tablespoons of salad dressing!

The solution?

Yes, eat less sodium, but that alone won’t cut it. There is one more wonderful detail about sodium and potassium that will make all the difference.

The more potassium you consume, the more your body lets go of sodium, and the excess water, and the extraneous problems that came with it.


Simple, right?

How to Up Your Potassium

You don’t have to eat bananas all day, but I would recommend subbing some nanners in for any processed snacks — including so-called “energy bars” or “fitness foods” like protein cookies and keto chips. Eating real whole food is so good for your body.


NOTE: if you have kidney disease consult with your doctor before increasing potassium intake.

Whole food, high potassium contenders include:

Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes

  • Black Beans
  • Bananas
  • Avocado
  • Prunes & Raisins
  • Spinach
  • Beet Greens
  • Halibut 


Even with all of these foods added or increased in your diet, depending on how much sodium is in the rest of your food, you probably will benefit from a supplement.

To replenish electrolytes after a good sweat there is only one supplement I have ever found worth mentioning. Most electrolyte powders that offer potassium offer equal or higher levels of sodium.

Not helpful!

Most people don’t need help getting more sodium. I can eat one pickle and get more than a Paleolithic days’ worth (not that I’m strictly Paleo, but just saying).

Add a scoop of the right electrolyte replenishment and you’ll see the difference almost immediately.


Absolutely! The tell-tale sign that it’s working and you’re achieving a better ratio — you’ll be “tinkling” a little or a lot more as your body releases the sodium and extra fluid.

The brand is called Adapted Nutrition and the product is Keto K1000 electrolyte powder. Get it here. As of the time of this writing in Summer of 2020, it’s on sale.

(Yes, this is a special affiliate link so I will get credit for your purchase. I write and teach and share these things for free because I LOVE to see you fitter, healthier, and happier. Using my link supports me supporting you! Plus you actually SAVE MORE than if you just bought it retail).


If you’re on the Keto diet, you’ll be glad to know The Keto1000 electrolyte powder is great for helping to prevent “keto flu.” That said, I’m not on keto but I use it and recommend it to my clients regularly.

Use it to help you improve your Potassium to Sodium ratio to support better heart health, blood pressure, muscular strength and agility, and a leaner looking physique.

Go get it now! And don’t forget to enjoy eating more bananas and peaches and berries and taters (not fries) and avocados and greens and beans and all that wonderful plant foods that offer countless amazing benefits to your health.

(Once you’ve used the electrolyte powder a few times, don’t forget to share your experience with me. I really want to know!)

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